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Festival 2024
Leave Britney Alone!
Japan, 2009

Short Form
Directed by
Fuyuhiko Takata
Running time
4 mins
Short Form

This work takes on the appearance of a fan-made music video based on the song “Circus” by Britney Spears. In the video, Takata’s admiration and longing for Britney leads him to dress up as the pop star, gradually transforming into something monstrous.


Thu 25 April, 8:30 PM
Event Past
Director Bio

Fuyuhiko Takata was born in 1987 in Hiroshima, and currently lives and works in Chiba. Takata creates pop and humorous video works that deal with diverse themes and images such as mythology, fairy tales, sex, gender, narcissism, and trauma. Most of his works are shot in the artist’s small apartment, and are characterized by a handmade feel and occasional erotic expression. The seemingly absurd stories raise various questions about human society.