84 mins
Vampiric schoolgirls, crocodilian men, and spectral lovers populate this eerie programme, in which myths, the supernatural, and alternative universes spark the queer imagination. Blurring boundaries between reality and fantasy, the filmmakers delve into weird and wonderful experiences that ignite the possibility of change: personal, political, and philosophical. To be queer is, literally, to be strange or odd, which here serves as a means of challenging cultural understandings of gender and sexuality. Through blood, fish scales, and sexy copies of Hegel’s oeuvre, the films in this collection make otherworldliness a point of pride.
Total Running Time: 84 min

This is a pay-what-you-can event between £3 and £15. We suggest £9 as a general admission, but feel free to follow the list below to pay based on your circumstances.
How much should I pay?
£3: I am just about able to cover my everyday costs.
£6: I can cover my everyday costs, but I find it stressful occasionally.
£9: I can comfortably cover my everyday costs.
£12: Beyond my everyday costs, I have disposable income and financial security.
£15: I would like to contribute more to support the organisation’s work.