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Festival 2020
UK, 2014

Brent 2020Feature
Directed by
Hong Khaou
Running time
86 min mins
Brent 2020Feature

Lilting is a drama about the relationship that develops between a man’s partner and mother after his untimely death. When Kai (Andrew Leung) dies, his long-term partner Richard (Ben Whishaw) reaches out to his mother Junn (Cheng Pei-Pei), whom he never met while Kai was alive. With Richard speaking only English and Junn Cambodian Chinese, communication becomes a challenge. But with the help of a translator, Richard attempts to build a connection that will help them both deal with their loss. Despite cultural and generational barriers, they piece together memories of a man they both loved dearly, and realise they are connected in their grief. Lilting is the assured, deeply moving debut feature of Cambodian-born British filmmaker Hong Khaou.


Currently unavailable

Additional info

As part of Brent 2020, London Borough of Culture.
