Goh Wei Hao
90 mins
Join us in exploring a fictional island set in the Malay Archipelago and the garden of the Museum of the Home to uncover the intricate network of queer relationships that form our ecologies. The programme begins with the film Long Time between Sunsets and Underground Waves (2021) by Hu Wei, which depicts the intertwining stories of two protagonists — a man imprisoned on the island and a being who delves the ocean’s depths — and those of the island’s other human, animal, plant and phantom inhabitants. Through their stories, the film explores the interplay between the island’s geography, biopolitics and economy. Following the screening, Connor Butler will lead a guided walk through the Museum of the Home’s garden which will explore the diverse and unusual life cycles and relationships found in and between humans, plants and animals, challenging what we think of as being natural and unnatural, human and non-human.
The screening is followed by a guided nature walk at the garden of the Museum of the Home, hosted by Connor Butler
Total runtime: 90min
Long Time Between Sunsets and Underground Waves
Long Time between Sunsets and Underground Waves is set on a fictional island in the Malay Archipelago where audience will witness two simultaneously unravelling narratives: that of a man imprisoned on the island and a being who delves the ocean’s depths. Through their stories and those of the other inhabitants of the island — human, animal, plants and apparitions — the film explores how the island’s ecology is formed from the entanglements between these different beings and the island’s geography, biopolitics and economy.
Dir. Hu Wei | China | 2021 | 53min

This is a pay-what-you-can event between £3 and £15. We suggest £9 as a general admission, but feel free to follow the list below to pay based on your circumstances.
How much should I pay?
£3: I am just about able to cover my everyday costs.
£6: I can cover my everyday costs, but I find it stressful occasionally.
£9: I can comfortably cover my everyday costs.
£12: Beyond my everyday costs, I have disposable income and financial security.
£15: I would like to contribute more to support the organisation’s work.