Zero Chou
97 min mins
Spider Lilies explores the ambiguous relationship between two women: Jade, an 18-year-old webcam model, and Takeko, a tattoo artist. When Jade visits Takeko’s studio, she is entranced by the image of the spider lily on Takeko’s arm. She soon discovers that they shared an intense and troubling experience in the past, and a series of tragic events unfolds. Blending the real and the virtual, this early work from acclaimed director Zero Chou uses the tattoo as a metaphor for the women’s broken childhoods, traumatic memories, and their hidden desires for one another. Winner of the Teddy Award for Best Feature Film at the 2007 Berlinale, Spider Lilies is one of the most iconic lesbian-themed films to emerge from East Asia.

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With support from the Ministry of Culture (Taiwan)