Cici Peng
85 mins
I Will Haunt You Forever: Queer Ghosts Across Time is composed of moving-image work and archival films that examine queer spectrality. Ghosts are already queer, existing beyond any binary divisions: ghosts are something we fear, yet we are attracted to. Ghosts transgress boundaries, existing between life and death, fear and grief, in the suspension of time. Haunting and its paths can’t help but speak to the way queer people in the past have been ghosts, haunting the histories they’ve been written out of.
The programme considers multiple interpretations of ghostliness by queer filmmakers – from bringing back the ghosts of the archive in Ghost Carnival, to All Trace is Gone, No Clamour for a Kiss and Whispering Ghosts which examine the colonial ghosts lingering in our present.
Total runtime: 85min
Ghost Carnival
A young woman commits suicide and returns to haunt her brother in the days approaching his twentieth birthday.
Qiu Miao-jin, Lin Hsu Wen-Er|1994|Taiwan|35min
Whispering Ghosts
The film follows the whispers, poems and prophecies of a mysterious women.
Taiki Sakpisit|2008|Thailand|12min
River is My Hometown
A revenant’s return to a homeland to reconsider memory, ritual and grief.
River Cao|2021|UK|8min
In Our Being
This experimental film combines the perspectives of two queer people of colour, one from the Philippines and one from Canada, into one narrative body.
Ghislan Sutherland-Timm, Jann Earl Q. Madariaga|2011|Canada, Philippines|8min
All Trace is Gone, No Clamour for a Kiss
In a forest, two exiled individuals are about to reincarnate into the next life while intimately sharing family legends, collective histories, love tales and folklore.
Chris Zhongtian Yuan|2022|UK|22min

This is a pay-what-you-can event between £3 and £15. We suggest £9 as a general admission, but feel free to follow the list below to pay based on your circumstances.
How much should I pay?
£3: I am just about able to cover my everyday costs.
£6: I can cover my everyday costs, but I find it stressful occasionally.
£9: I can comfortably cover my everyday costs.
£12: Beyond my everyday costs, I have disposable income and financial security.
£15: I would like to contribute more to support the organisation’s work.