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Festival 2024
Tentacle Eyes
UK, 2023

Short Form
Directed by
Yuqing Lin
Running time
9 mins
Short Form

Tentacle Eyes is a fictional spell-film. In the telling of a story about an

underground kingdom, a pair of ambiguously related lovers also seem to be

traveling back through a tunnel to their own past – to their memories of land

and some dreamlike fantasy and fragments.


Thu 25 April, 8:30 PM
Event Past
Director Bio

Yuqing Lin(she/it) is an artist . Recently, her projects have been focused on

entanglement/trans-species storytelling, ghostly memory/diaspora queer

space and tentacles/multi-sensory image. Simultaneously, she has

developed the collective project “if splash as your whistle” which is a

community exploring queer and diaspora journey through artist films.