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Festival 2024
UK, 2021

Short Form
Directed by
Rae-Yen Song
Running time
3 mins
Short Form


Wūûūwūûū is a 2D animation, in which digital drawing is combined with pen and fibre-tipped markers on paper, to create a vivid, self-contained realm of interconnected beings and spaces. wūûūwūûū offers a mutating, ever-shifting vision of worlds within worlds within worlds. It introduces a cast of obscure, interconnected creatures, who variously consume, inhabit and host each other, in an ongoing, cyclical symbiosis of survival.


Thu 25 April, 8:30 PM
Event Past
Director Bio

Rae-Yen Song (b. 1993, Edinburgh; based in Glasgow) explores self-mythologising as a survival tactic, using fantasy and fabulation to establish a richly visual world-building practice informed by diasporic~ancestral mythology, Daoist philosophy, family ritual, ecology, more-than-human politics, and science fiction.